Exercise and me… 5

I was born fat. Of course then everyone thought I was “oh so very cute”. I firmly believed that the ‘baby fat’ would miraculously disappear once I hit my teenage years and fat and pretty stopped being synonyms. Was I in for a surprise? As I grew so did my fat reserves. Of course I helped it along, ate whatever, whenever.

Teenage, of course brought with it the usual emotional turbulence and peer pressure and all that – end result additions to the already extra baggage I carried. But I was still not bothered enough to do anything much about it. Yes I would do the occasional fad diet, or ‘go for a walk’ but nothing to make any substantial changes. College and work did not change much.

Then I met, fell in love and married an amazing man. An amazingly fit man. It made me want to lose weight, to look pretty, because he was (is) very pretty. And so I went on every crazy diet I came across. And it set me on the ‘yo-yo’ weight loss cycle.  No matter how my husband tried to explain that healthy eating while exercising was the only way to lose weight and keep it off, I just did not get it. Then he introduced me to a friend of his, a wonderful trainer. She did not suffer fools easily and minced not words. Ever.

She snapped me out of my crazy weight loss haze and started me on a lifelong path of healthy eating and regular exercising. She introduced me to the concept of fat loss. She made me realize that what mattered was not the X kgs of weight but the composition of those X kgs. She worked with me to create an exercise plan that included various exercise formats and that I could follow.

It was excruciatingly painful initially , I hurt in places I never thought could hurt. I mean how can your little finger hurt!!! But once the aches and pains eased away, I noticed the subtle changes in myself, I was happier, less sleepy, got more done in a day and generally felt better. Though it was almost a year before the ‘oh so important others’ started to notice. And more than another year before the compliments started flowing.

But it does not matter anymore. I feel good and I know I look good and that’s all that matters. I am committed to exercising and healthy eating for life. I lose focus once in a while, but I know enough to get back on track again.

What are your experiences with exercise and healthy eating??? Do drop a line

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5 thoughts on “Exercise and me…

  • jagruti bhargav

    fat people always make a rookie mistake of falling for the quick weight loss program and the diet fads out of the desperation of losing weight. I had been no different.it does make you look beautiful initially but the lack of nutrients start taking a toll; a very distinctive toll. now I’ve learnt from my past mistakes and thanks to my aunt healthy eating and eating what is right for you rather than watching calories have made my body fitter and healthier

  • Chandran MP

    An inspiring piece..all of us who have tried everything in the world to lose weigt and look pretty can empathise with Ankita..once again reaffirms the fact that internal motivation and an expert guide are necessary preconditions to success..be it weight loss or achieving anything substantial in life.