
Hi, I am Ankita. I am from the blisteringly hot city of Ahmedabad. 20121112_200614

I live with my husband, who is a veterinary surgeon, parents-in law and Cookie, our dog who has very graciously adopted us. My parents live a stone’s throw away, so I divide my time between my two homes 🙂

I cook a lot of food, at least 21 meals a week that is 3 each day. Usually it is just for the four of us, but we do love having family and friends over for a meal or two. The head count then easily reaches 15 or more. It therefore goes without saying I am always on the look out for great recipes. This blog is my attempt at documenting favorites, mine and others.

I have always loved to weave stories and can chat your ear of any day of the week. My professional and personal lives have seen me wearing various hats. Each stint has taught me something. Through the many smiles and tears, I have grown as a person and become a better listener and story-teller.

There is a saying in Hindi, ‘Kuch meri suno, kuch apne kaho’ loosely translated it means, lets swap tales. Lets. If something here reaches out to you, do start a conversation. Or if you find something I should read / write / try / know about, do give me a shout out.

Some shameless self promotion. I am a freelance writer and blogger and am available for work. If you are looking for a freelance writer / blogger….or know someone who is, please send them my way. To see more of my professional work go here

So long…